Over twenty of us took to our cars to visit the famous Rochdale Town Hall and nearby Co-op museum. We weren’t disappointed.
Rochdale Town Hall is a giant of a building and possibly the most decorated town hall in the country. Every room is beautifully painted and carved and the effect is positively overwhelming.
The Co-op musem is nearby on Toad Lane. It is the original Co-op Store which began the co-operative movement, now found across the world. In contrast to the Town Hall, the Toad Lane Store is miniscule and a very humle place but it housed a giant idea, which transformed people’s lives and vision.
In both places we had great talks and tours and there was much to see. The photos above show us on the balcony of the Town Hall and signing the visitors book in the Mayor’s Parlour. Those below are by the photographer, Andy Marshall, and give a sense of the artistry found in the Town Hall.